Is Manny Pacquiao in Dilemma or He is Making an Impact to Christianity and Traditional Values?
I have some friends and followers asked me about my opinion regarding what Manny Pacquiao said about gay and lesbian. Manny Pacquiao said; " “Do you see animals mating with the same sex? Animals are better because they can distinguish male from female. If men mate with men and women mate with women they are worse than animals.”
In my personal opinion, the gay and lesbians or LGBT have to ask some personal questions regarding what Manny Pacquiao said such as:
* Is it the truth?
* Why am I offended if it's true?
* Would Manny Pacquiao really look at me in the eyes and will have the perception of me like I'm an animal?
* what does the Bible says about gay and lesbian?
* What if Manny Pacquiao was just making an analogy with animals and humans with regards to relationship, finding the right match for sex, or to satiate an instinct to sexual desire to opposite sex or same sex?
* If Manny Pacquiao was wrong; does the gay and lesbian have any answer with regards to the sexual problems that they have which is Biblically and morally wrong, and universally unacceptable.
* Did he (Manny Pacquiao) make sense with his analogy?
Although what manny said is true, but he could have said it in a different way where it was not offensive to LGBT. The reason why there is no lesbian or gay animals because LGBT is a choice- obviously animals don't have a choice. The same sex marriage or gay and lesbian issues are sensitive topics that could spark in a split of a second. It may have been an issue of choice of words on Manny's part or he should have made further explanations and made his statement more clear as not to misquote or misunderstand what he said.
It's always safe for a celebrity such as Manny Pacquiao to have everything printed during the interview or make it pre- meditated answer or scripted, especially if it's sensitive issue such as same sex marriage; unless it's an ambush interview.
I am against same sex marriage, I am against LGBT, because I believe it's sinful, I believe it's against the holiness and the Law of God, it's unbiblical, it's Sodomy and abominable to God. And it's morally wrong and Universally unacceptable, even though some States, and countries tried to adopt such but it is either stained with political correctness or purely politics.
God created man (Adam) and the woman (Eve) nothing more, nothing less. He did not create gay and lesbian. God created marriage and the home in the garden of Eden. There was no same sex marriage. Obviously, such practice and lifestyle is not of God.
If gay and lesbian is right, then God should have not destroyed and executed His judgment to Sodom and Gomorrah! It's wrong but we are not suppose to judge and condemn them (the LGBT) or treat them as a second class human beings. We must treat them with love and respect. I may not agree in their lifestyle and moral values; but it does not give me the permission or the right to degrade, condemn, judge, belittle, or disrespect them. Let God be their judge- and our judge as well, because God is the Judge of judges.
If Manny believe on what He said as from the Bible or what God said in the Bible- why apologize? If it's the truth from the Word of God, why so quick to apologize?
The issue here is not about equality or acceptance, but moral and spiritual. Please read the verses below quoted from the Bible and please be open minded. He can change your heart and your feelings towards your opposite sex. God is the only one who can give you a new heart, and a new feelings towards your opposite sex and take out your sexual desire to same sex.
Romans 1: 17- 31
Jude 1: 7- 25
I Corinthians 6: 9- 10
I Timothy 1: 9- 10
II Timothy 3: 1- 7
Genesis Chapters 18 and 19
Ely Roque Sagansay
Michigan, USA