Quote of the Day:
People will not remember you of your greatness, the structures you built, the wealth you have accumulated, but by your legacy and godly life.
- 30th Wedding Anniversary (1)
- and Coffee or Tea. We used to have these almost everyday when I was growing up in abject poverty. But today (1)
- and Our Religious Freedom (1)
- Does She (Hillary Clinton) Deserve a Palace Term or Prison Term? (1)
- Drug Problems in the Philippines (1)
- Future Word in Dictionaries (1)
- Her Staff (1)
- Hillary (1)
- I'm Turning Fifty Seven (1)
- If Money Can Talk... (1)
- It's Idiotic Not to Vote (1)
- Kavanaugh (1)
- Make America Stand United Again (1)
- Mi Daily Devotion (300)
- Modern Day News and Future History Books (1)
- President Trump and NFL Will Not Come Out a Winner (1)
- Protesting for Hillary or Against Trump? (1)
- Quote of the Day (1)
- Respect the Election Results (1)
- Shrimp Paste (1)
- Someone Says Trump is Un-American and he is not voting for him (Trump). (1)
- Sports for Entertainment or Sports for Protests? (1)
- There is Time and Place for Protests (1)
- This is a "Poor Man's" Lunch or Dinner in the Philippines. Rice (1)
- this is a Sp (1)
- What Happened to Modern Christian Churches? (2)
- Word of Wisdom from Mi Daily Devotion (441)
- Words of Wisdom from Mi Daily Devotion (3)
Monday, February 25, 2019
Quote of the Day
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day:
Living above your head will someday put you down on your knees. Only God can, no one but Him.
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day
God is not a God who choose to number your failures and sins; but a God of love, forgiveness, and understanding.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Mission and My Birthday
On my Birthday; I don't want any gift from my friends and love ones or anyone. But I desire their support and prayers, and yours as well for Missions that God laid in your heart from where you are. I am NOT talking of supporting my Mission but God's Missions from where God wants you to be involve in... Like a broken vessel with patches- millions needs to hear the gospel, and they are waiting to be pick up to be mold, to mend their broken hearts and lives, and to make them what God wanted them to be.
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Quote of the Day
Love and humility are the hardest virtues for every believer to exercise or put into practice. It is especially with regards to the unloving proud person or to a rebellious child or children.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day:
Marks of true Christianity:
● They believe on the death on the Cross of the Lord Jesus Christ.
● They believe in the power of the blood of the Lamb.
● They believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the second Person of the Holy Trinity.
● They believe on the Lord Jesus Christ as the ONLY Savior of the sinful men.
● They believe in the gospel according and as defined by apostle Paul in I Corinthians 15:1 - 4.
● They believe in the Virgin Birth.
● They believe in literal hell and heaven as their final destination.
● They always say; "Praise the Lord" "Glory to God" and "Jesus is our Blessed Hope".
These are Christians' Identity...
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Quote of the Day
Quote of the Day:
You cannot please God in your life if half of your body is in the world or at the enemy's side.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Abortion is a Choice!
Quote of the Day:
Abortion is about choice. The mothers choice to get out of responsibilities, the doctors choice to make more money, and the wicked politicians' choice to kill the babies who can't decide for themselves. We choose to defend and fight for the rights to live of those innocent and helpless babies in the womb.
The doctor said of this kid in the picture below more than 19 years ago; "We have to abort him because he may have heart problems, mental illness, or down syndrome." We told her; "We believe the baby was God's gift to us. We will keep the baby, and love and take care of him no matter what. If we need to spend all our life and time taking care of him in his whole lifetime, we will do it." My wife and the baby were near death before and after the surgery, but God spared their life.
I wonder why our politicians are so busy with those who don't need them yet. They are more concerned with those who can't vote for them yet. They spend so much time, energy, and money for those who can't make a decision for themselves yet. But they kept their eyes closed for those who need them the most. The roads, the schools and school systems, the problems with crimes, and the needy veterans needs their help and decision for the betterment of their State. Problems in the communities are overwhelming and overlooked. Why not do something about it?
Politicians, keep your eyes and hands off of the babies and do your job of which voters have put you in position. Voters did not vote for you to kill the babies but to help and protect! Now stop this non sense please.
Ely R. Sagansay
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Abortion is About Math, Science, and Common Sense
Abortion is About Math, Science, and Common Sense.
When I was in Elementary grade more than 50 years ago, we were taught in Math about Living and Non Living things. The non living things has no breath, and the living things has breath. Therefore, if the unborn is a thing then it should not be breathing. If the 8 months old baby in the womb is breathing, and have heartbeat, it means its human being and not a thing or non living things. It is very elemental. I don't know which part of the Math- oh I know it's not Math but we count it on Cencus once the baby is delivered, or technically counted as an additional to the family already.
God forbid, if there is an accident and the mother died or were hurt with her baby in the womb; statistically- it is counted two (deaths or hurts on any reports. Which of this logic, science, math, or common sense does your politicians (most of them are Democrats) don't understand? If you cut off the heartbeat of an unborn baby by abortion, its purely murder, killing, and disgusting. This country (The USA) spend billions of dollars to protect other nations from dictatorships, cyanide, war, hunger, and other threats, but can't protect its own unborn citizens from evil and baby killers politicians.
We go to war because we care for those who might get hurt or killed by their own evil president or leaders, but we gave our elected politicians a standing ovation and provided financial support to those who killed and planned to kill innocent and helpless babies in our own land. Is it not injustice to those who cannot depend themselves? Is it not abused of power of our elected politicians? They were called smart and wise in eyes of man, but evil, wicked, disgusting, and a fool in the sight of God.
I wonder if they know how it feels to be poisoned slowly, and be killed slowly with those medical instruments and medicines?
We can help the mothers understand when they are in pain and can be comforted with words and pain reliever, and make them understand the situation. Obviously, its impossible to do the same to the babies.
Stop all kinds and types of abortion! Give them the chance to live. Be grateful to your parents for letting you see the light and the beauty of the world. Pay it forward and let them (the babies) live! God will requires the blood of each baby in your hand if you are taking part on this evil thing. (Ezekiel 24:9 KJV) Therefore thus saith the Lord God ; Woe to the bloody city! I will even make the pile for fire great.
The Bible says; Ezekiel 22:12-16 KJV
"In thee have they taken gifts to shed blood; thou hast taken usury and increase, and thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbours by extortion, and hast forgotten me, saith the Lord God . [13] Behold, therefore I have smitten mine hand at thy dishonest gain which thou hast made, and at thy blood which hath been in the midst of thee. [14] Can thine heart endure, or can thine hands be strong, in the days that I shall deal with thee? I the Lord have spoken it , and will do it . [15] And I will scatter thee among the heathen, and disperse thee in the countries, and will consume thy filthiness out of thee. [16] And thou shalt take thine inheritance in thyself in the sight of the heathen, and thou shalt know that I am the Lord ."
I pray that our elected politicians will focus on the needs of their community or State, and not on those babies who can't speak for themselves, defenseless, and innocent. Our community, every State, and the whole country have needs more important than killing those innocent babies- why not focus on those problems and necessities? May God will give our politicians the needed wisdom and prudence in such a time as these. God bless America!
Ely Roque Sagansay
Friday, February 1, 2019
Fun Time on My Phone Conversation
Fun Time on Phone Conversation:
Caller: "Hello, Is this Ely?"
Me: "Yes"
Caller: "Hello Ely, I'm calling about your book 'The New Christmas Every Day'. It has a great potential because this book has a good recommendation from (company) and this company gave your book an 8 points..."
Me: "Excuse me, what company again?"
Caller: "Ely, do you speak English?"
Me: "And you just asked me about my book 'The New Christmas Every Day', and obviously it's in English. And you're asking me if I speak English. You're funny."
He probably can't believe he asked me that question. I laughed so hard during our conversation.