Thursday, August 23, 2018

Doctor! doctor! I am sick!

When I was in the Philippines, a pastor asked me if I wanted to have a doctorate in divinity or theology. In my curiosity I asked; "Why?" He said; "Because we can help you get it..." and I don't want to elaborate. I said; "No, thank you". But in my mind; "I'm already struggling to live up to my title as a 'Pastor', now you want me to be a doctor?" I respect all the doctors, and those who have PHD's, good job, and you worked hard for it. I salute you all. But please don't fool yourself by putting a price on your title, and if you did not really work hard to attain such title. The greatest title God gave to Moses and Joshua was when He called them "My servant..." (Joshua 1:1) The Lord Jesus Christ came down to die for our sins with the same title on His head. (Philippians 2:5- 11) Just be humble and be faithful in the work of the Lord, and God will lift you up; not because of your title, but because of your humility, love for the Lord, and His church and the lost souls. Don't get offended but trust His heart!