Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Don't Major on Minor

Don't Major on Minor!

Church music, form of worship, dress code, and musical instruments you use at church is not even a minor doctrine in the Bible. Those are preferences. Major on Missions, Evangelism, Morality, and Maintaining your good testimony. When we get to heaven, God will not ask us what kind of music we used to worship Him. Or what kind of musical instruments we used to praise Him. Neither will He ask us if we follow the legalistic view and dress code of our pastor. He will not require us to give an account of why church 'A' plays better and professionally during worship. (May be because they are talented, they practice well, and they practice hard during the week for excellence. No wonder they sound like they play like they're in a concert hall.) God will not judge church 'D' for playing a lousy music on Sundays either.

What's wrong with today's divisive, critical, legalistic, and narrow minded Christians? Are we going to judge other Christians and churches by their music, form of worship, musical instruments, and the clothes they wear on worships? Will it make you a better Christian because you are conservative on such practices. Will it make you more Biblical for being different from the modernists? Will it means you are more closer to God for being a traditionalist or conservative and vice versa? These are all not the Bible's standard of godliness. It's not even what God requires of us.

I love traditional worship, and I enjoy other worship other than HARD ROCK music during worship. But I respect those who worship God in Spirit and in Truth although Hard Rock Music is not my type of genre. I consider it sin to judge them for the music they play on worship. Only God can judge us.

God said; "And to love him with all the heart, and with all the understanding, and with all the soul, and with all the strength, and to love his neighbor as himself, is more than all the whole burnt offerings and sacrifices." (Mark 12:33 KJV) Love is the key. To love them is more important than what we offer at the altar. To love our fellow believers is more valuable to God than our preferences on worship. To love them is more Biblical than our disagreement of them in terms of how they worship and the music they use.

Bottomline- Respect them, don't be critical of them, serve God with them (don't distance yourself from them), and love them. Be Kingdom Focus. Don't focus on yourself or practices and or on your church cultures- but let it be on HIS KINGDOM.

Mission Minded
Christ Centered
Kingdom Focus

By Ely Roque Sagansay