Thursday, May 14, 2020

Why Being a "Baptist" is Not a Big Deal for Me!

Why Being a "Baptist" is Not a Big Deal to Me!

I assume you will ask a question "Why"? I grew up attending the Sunday School and Worships in four (4) different Baptist churches. I was influenced, taught by, indoctrinated, and shaped by Convention Baptist, Fundamental Baptist, Independent Baptist, and Bible Baptist from Sunday School, until I was a teenager. I got saved in a very conservative Baptist Church in Malabon. I was called by the Lord in a Baptist Church. I got married in a Baptist Church with 2 Baptist Officiating ministers. And I finished my Seminary Education in a very Fundamental and conservative school- the International Baptist Theological College. We have a very sound Baptist doctrines and Baptist Polity. I pastored and planted Baptist churches in the Philippines and the USA. At the time of this writing, I am an active member of the Southern Baptist in Michigan, United States of America.

Apparently, my roots, my foundation, and my Biblical stands were shaped by "Baptists". All my life as a Christian, and a minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ; I worship, I teach, I preach in Baptist congregations. But I don't make a BIG deal of being a "Baptist ". I'm more proud of being identified with the Lord Jesus Christ. I'm more proud to be called Christian, Born Again believer, Disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, or Servant of God, and son of God. (Acts 11:26, 26:28, I Peter 4:16, John 3:1- 7, 1:12, Matthew 12:49). I would rather be called a die- hard Christian than a die- hard Baptist.

How many of the "Baptist Fanatic" worshippers will sit in a Baptist church pews, sing some songs from a "Baptist Hymnal" with Hymns mostly written, composed or arranged by either Lutheran, Methodist, Wesleyan, and sadly either unbelievers, worldly entertainers, or compromisers. I'm sure your pastor led you to sing with him your favorite hymn such as "Ode to Joy". I may have a little idea of what's in your mind. You are asking a question of "What the heck is "Ode to Joy" anyways? It is a classical music, an Anthem in Europe, and you are singing it on some Sundays or Wednesdays when your song leader asked you to turn your so called "Baptist Hymnal" to page #1, "Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee". Yes, you were singing a Hymnal that was actually  Classical Music, and was a Modern or Contemporary Music during their times.

And then after a long ad lib from your song leader being proud to be a "Baptist", he will ask you to join him to another hymn just the next page from the song that you just enjoyed singing. Now turn to page #2 and let's sing a song from a dissenter, Calvinist, and Unitarian songwriter. "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing". Check out who Robert Robinson is on Google and you will know more about him.

Let's not go any farther from the pages we just have had... now turn to page #11 of your hymnal and check out who Andrae Crouch is on Google. I love Andrae's music, and I love his compositions, and what he was doing for our Lord. But to a Legalistic, Super High Standard Baptist pastor; you may not even let him stand in your pulpit if he was a member of your church when you found out everything about him with regards to his career outside of church; yet you love singing his songs in your church. Check his songs on Google. 

Being a "Baptist" to me is no difference being a member of any religious groups in the whole world. My dad was a Baptist all his life, but nothing has changed in him- not until he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ in a very personal way. Nothing has changed in my life growing up a Baptist until I met the Lord Jesus Christ in a personal way. That was when I became a Born Again Christian. Don't make a BIG DEAL on being a "Baptist" because it's not your identity. Your identity is with Christ; therefore you're called- "Christian" and "Disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ" or "Born Again".

You may have used (John 3:16; 3:1- 7; 1:12, and II Corinthians 5:17). Did it ever mention the word "Baptist" for your salvation? You can put a crown over your head with a "Baptist" narrative, doctrines, and standards on it, but if The Lord Jesus Christ is not in your heart, there is no difference between your Baptist religion with other religions across your church building. Be happy you're a Baptist, but be proud you were bought with a price- by the Lamb of God, and you're a Christian. (I Corinthians 6:19- 20; 7:17- 23) Am I a "Baptist Bride"? Check Out Next time!

Ely Roque Sagansay 
Taylor, Michigan