Monday, April 25, 2022

CNN+ and Other MSM- Say It As It Is!

CNN+ and Other MSM- Say It As It Is!

   The world is watching! But not everyone will buy your ideas, remarks, FAKE NEWS, biases, and idiotic Political stance. The American people are fed up with unreliable news reports and updates that some may even doubt the sources of Weather updates. 

   CNN may have put President Donald J Trump on the side after the 2020 Presidential Election, but the American people are not stupid to believe that he really lost the Election. It is sad to hear how CNN used their influence and network for the advantage of some Politicians. Due to their left leaning ideas and biases; they lost millions of viewers, billions of dollars, their reputation, and their brand name people onced respected and admired will be history. 

   Politicians will come and go, but Television viewers will remain- and will remain loyal to their favorite channels, as long as it keeps its dignity, decency, being pro Americans, and if they will maintain the trust of the people by their neutral reporting and by 'saying it and telling it as it is'. The Mainstream Media may have overlooked the basic guidelines in reporting: 'What' 'When' 'Where' 'Why' 'Who' 'How' and exposing the real big pictures, not by assumptions and imagination or creating their own narrative. 

   The downfall of CNN+ should serve as a warning sign for other Fake News! Manipulating the News and the minds of the viewers will not make the Media business rise to the top, make good ratings or add viewerships. It will drain the lies and 'make up' and 'made up' stories. Remember lies beget lies, and will create more lies! It is not a bedtime story where you can read all the fiction you have, and make your children go to bed and have a good sleep. The Americans are smart enough to know if the man or woman they watched on their screen are biased or are just manipulating the News.

   If you have less than a million viewers on Prime Time Shows- you have a problem or your network has an issue that needs to be resolved. Less than a million viewers might have been from the Airports, worldwide CNN monitors, other Media outlets that are monitoring certain shows, some reporters and researchers, and few sponsors. So, who's watching?

   Remember- the world is watching but they will not always buy your ideas and reporting. You have to convince them that you are truthful, you're not fake, you deserve to be heard, and you are neutral, and have no business for biases.

   I believe that President Donald J Trump and the American people deserve an apology from CNN, and other Fake News. May the downfall of CNN+ be a  lesson to learn (though it was the hard way for them) for all the MainStream Media. "The truth shall set you free!"- Jesus.

Ely Roque Sagansay 
