Tuesday, September 26, 2017

President Trump and NFL Will Not Come Out a Winner

President Trump and NFL Will Not Come Out a Winner!

America is a great country. It is great because of its foundation- God, the Holy Bible, and its generosity even to those who stand against her. The diversities; the mixtures of red, white, black, brown and yellow skins in every corners of its States made it beautiful. It has bad and great history, as much as it produces bad, good, great and intellectual citizens just like any other countries. Americans have rescued countries after countries that are under dictatorships, genocides, human abuses, and hunger and starvation. It goes to war with different skin color under its military battalion or company. It runs its businesses, the hospitals, the courtrooms, schools or universities, etc. with diversities or people from different ethnic backgrounds. Churches are like Christmas lights glowing with Christ’s light and different skin colors. But, what’s wrong with the United States of America?

Is it because Americans can’t get rid of its own conflict and bad history in the past such as the civil war, slavery, or even just the recent election results? Is it because of the bad treatment of others due to the color of their skin? Is religion the real issue? There is no distinction between Jews, Muslims, Christians or Catholics- we are all the same in God’s sight. We will all die, rot in our grave, and we will all be responsible to God on judgment day. We will not and will never overcome unless we educate our children; not of the negative history of our country in order for them to revolt or put a line of bifurcation to others different from them. But we will educate them, for them to learn and pursue their dreams without hatred and bitterness of our past.

Respect, honor, gratitude, dignity, and integrity should be instilled in every citizen. Respect to those that are in authorities, respect the FLAG, and our National Anthem to which our veterans and soldiers have fought and fight for and some of the tax payers money have been spent. Respect others not because of their skin color but because it is the right thing to do and they are human beings with the same red blood as you. It is sad but its true- some gave special favor to those with whom they have in common or with the same skin color. Racism is evil, and it leads to being disrespectful to others. Respect them when they come to your office;  be it in government establishment or police station- not because of the color of their skin but because they are human beings, they are in need, and tax payers.
We need to learn to honor and be grateful to those who have served so we can enjoy our freedom and the blessings of being free from dictatorship, oppression, aggression, and political and religious persecutions. Let’s not use and abused such freedom by doing such things that offend others. Freedom is very costly; be it in Biblical perspective or in political arena- it costs lives, money, time, efforts, and sweat, blood, and tears. True freedom is exercised with timing, in a right place, with a right perspective and purpose, and should have the goal not to offend others. I say it (as my personal opinion) on freedom.

Let me put myself in a scenario as an atheist standing in front of the mosque, a church, or a synagogue telling people not to get in because there is no God. Obviously, I am just exercising and using my freedom of speech or expression, and my freedom to exercise my own belief. People will be offended by my audacity to keep them away from the mosque, church or synagogue. Why? Obviously, I was in a wrong place and wrong timing. I was interfering in their time of worship and in their family time.

Sports are for everyone’s enjoyment. It’s a time where families and friends gather together in front of their television or in the stadium or gym to enjoy the sports. It’s the moment and the place where you don’t want to be distracted by politics, or some issues of some group of people. The fans came to watch the game, not to watch an athlete expressing his or her political view, disgust to the government or express his or her personal conviction. And they did not pay for their tickets just to be offended by something that is in a wrong place to express. You have some other times and place for such.

NFL and the government, the athletes or President Donald Trump will not come out of this issue a winner. The kneeling of the athletes, the attacking of both sides due to disrespectful attitude of some athletes will not solve the problems of our country. It fuels the issues on racism, degradation, injustice, intolerance, and other issues that plaque our nation. Let’s assume the athletes made their fellow athletes and opponents (including the fans) at the courts, fields or stadiums knelt down during the singing of our National Anthem in honor to our FLAG; but what’s next? Will they be successful in turning the mind set of some of the political party? Will it (kneeling down) make them cease as a racist? Do you think some of the politicians or individual will walk with you all the way as you struggle with racism or injustice? Bottom line is- will it solve the problem?

President Donald Trump will not come out a winner either even if he could make everyone stand during the singing of our National Anthem. But he will gain the respect, honor, gratitude, and dignity for those who have died, and still fighting for our FLAG. But the real issue will still be the same, and remain the same.

The athletes and NFL have millions of dollars that they can spend for good publicity for whatever cause they want to accomplish. They can use all the media outlets to share and express their grievances. They have connections in Washington D C to get the word out in a decent and orderly manner. The Congress and Senate should look into this, and probably draft and approve a Federal Law with regards to all the issues and grievances (of the athletes) that divides our land.
I believe kneeling down during the National Anthem is a personal choice and the athletes’ prerogative, but it is not the right resolution to our problems. We need love- love for God, for our country and fellow men. We need to look at people in the eyes and say; “He or She is a soul” and not on the color of their skin. The inner man is the real human being. The color of our skin is just the coverings in the sight of God. May we all stand united for God and our country!
This is my personal opinion and you’re entitled express yours…
Ely Roque Sagansay