Wednesday, July 1, 2020

"Hey Joe @JoeBiden

We need to have 3 Tests for "Hey Joe!" @JoeBiden before the 3 Debates (Not with the Moderator as said in his PressConference) but with @DonaldTrump: Cognitive Test, Aptitude Test, and WuhanChinaCoronaVirus19 (#WCCV#19) Test. Things to Remember Hey Joe: 1-  You're running for President of the United States of America. Not of Ukraine, China, Russia or Somalia. 2- Don't tell @DonaldTrump you're part of #ObamaGate. 3- Remember you're part of Failed #Obamacare. 4- Don't forget you were under the Failed Obama administration. 5- Don't tell President Trump you have been in office for more than 40 years. And you did nothing. Too late to make for the lost time and opportunities. 6- Tell your staff to wire you for Coaching during the Debates. 7- Tell you're staff to bring a lot of Flash Cards, you know, in case you're blank or something, you know your brain does not function very well. Those are the 7 things to remember Joe in case you forget. Seriously!