Sunday, February 7, 2021

Last Night I Had the Strangest

Last Night I Had the Strangest Dream

   It was one of the weirdest dreams I have had in my life. It was a mixed dream. I had a fight with my older siblings. It was a fight I never had before, even when I was not a believer of the Lord Jesus Christ yet. And I cursed and swore at my father like I never did before. I was only stopped and calmed down,  and pacified of my hate and anger by my mother. It was a very ugly scenario where I felt like I was so evil. Then it went to a different place, scenario, emotions, people involved and perspectives. 

   It was a dream I never dreamed before. God made me see the future. I don't want to play the role of a false prophet here as I share to you my dream. Neither will I be a foreteller of something that may happen one day if we, as believers and disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ are not careful.

   In my dream, God showed me about the Closing of the Doors in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. It was like a huge IPad where God just slipped the pages with His finger. Unfortunately, God showed me about the Closing of the preaching of the Gospel from the Philippines, down to Southeast Asia, to China, up to the remote area in Russia. It was a very sad time.

   Believe it or not, God showed me the faces of the people who had the opportunity to share the Word of God to the lost souls, but some did not. God slides the pages back and forth and I see the pictures of the preachers. A specific person I know was there and obviously, I can't tell you the name of the organization or Ministry that may identify the leader.

   The Pastors and Preachers meet on how they could spread the Gospel, but it may have been too late. Everyone was so discouraged (including myself) until God said about the plan. 

   It was someone from the remote area in Russia. God was raising someone from Russia to spread the Word of God going North. You may want to check on the world map where it goes starting from the boundary of China and Russia. 

   I cried this morning about 3 times from the time I shared my dream to my wife just past 5:00 in the morning.

   The Message for You:

1- Grab every opportunity to evangelize, preach the Word, go soul winning, tell others about Jesus and what He has done on the cross. (Acts 1:8, I Corinthians 15:1- 8)

2- Be passionate about the Gospel. (Romans 1:14- 16)

3- Be obedient to God's command to go and preach the Gospel, and make a commitment to spread the Good News at all costs. (Matthew 28:18- 20)

Ely Roque Sagansay Minister/Author