Saturday, December 11, 2021

Christmas Quote πŸŽ„

Christmas Quote πŸŽ„ 

Joseph's Father 

   Have you ever wondered what kind of father Joseph's father was? Joseph the husband of Mary (the mother of Jesus in the flesh) was the appointed father of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some Preachers called him the stepfather or the father in the flesh of the Lord Jesus Christ. How would you picture him in your mind if he is alive, and with us today? I know that not many Pastors, Preachers, and Evangelists really give much attention to the father of Joseph because he was never mentioned in the Scriptures. Here's what I may think of him as a good follower of God the Father. 

● Joseph's father may have made some bad decisions just like us, but he made sure Joseph will not do the same.

● Joseph's father was a believer, but just like many of us- we sometimes waver in our faith in God.

● Joseph's father had ups and downs in his relationships with his wife and his families, as well as with God; but he made sure that he settled and forgave them. 

● Joseph's father has his own foolishness or idiosyncrasies like king David, but he made sure he corrected them, and made Joseph learn from it.

● Joseph's father feared God, but he also had some ungodly fear.

● Joseph's father respects women and their purity, it shows how his son Joseph responded when he found out that Mary was pregnant.

● Joseph's father was a Law abiding Citizen, as you can tell that Joseph paid his taxes and observed the Law of the Land in lieu of Marriage.

If God will entrust to you the Joseph of our time, what will the future generations say about you, and your legacy?

(Matthew 1:16 KJV)
"And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ."