Thursday, March 24, 2022

Kathang Isip (Fiction)

Kathang Isip (Fiction)
There was a man who was very sick. The man was a very optimistic individual. One day in a hospital, he had a visit from his Primary Doctor in his Hospital Bed. His Doctor gave him both the good news and the bad news. The Doctor asked which one does he want to hear first. The optimistic man said, "I want to hear the bad news first, so I can get encouraged by the good news next..." The Doctor said; "The bad news is that you know you are diabetic, and we need to cut your foot because of the gangrene in your toe which will only get worst if we will not do it. Some parts of your foot are affected with infection already. And that's the good news, just the foot and not the whole leg." The optimistic man started smiling and looked very happy. The Doctor asked; "What are you smiling about getting your foot amputated?" The man said; "Ohh Doctor, I'm just happy I won't have to be in pain of my Gout and Arthritis once this is over. It bothers me so much that I can't eat Tacos, Beans, Tufo, Beef or Hot Dogs, and other good food. I can live with a foot and enjoy all the food I want, and not be worried of this foot that is always under Gout and Arthritis attack. You can only wish there's no Gout and Arthritis, especially if you're getting older.