Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Traveling for Jesus

Traveling for Jesus 

   You may have been wanting to travel after you got stuck for a long time due to Lockdowns and Pandemic related issues. We do too. But finally we had it! Praise God! Do we love what we're doing- Traveling from city to cities, State to States, and hopefully Country to Countries? Yes! But the joy, the privilege, and the blessings of Traveling comes with sacrifices. It is fun and we love it; but it does not mean that we always have a smooth sailing trip/s or it's free from hardships, sacrifices, pain on the road to destinations or it's always a bed of roses. 

   Every journey that we take has a deeper purpose, missions, and vision. One thing for sure, we are doing it for the honor and glory of God the Father, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power and Leading of the Holy Spirit of God.

   I am grateful for my wife and her support to the Cause and Ministries that God has entrusted to us. Not only is she always on the go with me, she also has been working hard to accomplish our purpose. Now the question is- what really is our purpose of traveling and visiting churches? That's an excellent question some had asked me and my wife. First, we believe in Missions and are very passionate about it. Secondly, we were entrusted by the Lord of the gifts that we believe we can use for His glory. Thirdly, my wife and I don't want to be selfish on the proceeds that we get from the sale of my books.

   When Given the Opportunity to Visit the Church or an Event to Present our Missions 

   1- We wanted to share the Gospel to the lost souls, and tell them through my personal testimony on how God changed my life.

   2- We promote my books, especially "Boklit" of which I believe have already touched so many lives.

   3- We shared some songs with the congregation, as well as the Missions that we're doing and supporting. 

   4- We let the pastor and the congregation know that we use the proceeds for Missions: Coffee Ministry, Children Ministry, and Financial Support for Pastors and Missionaries.

   5- We are not visiting to raise some personal financial support from churches, and we are not supported by any individual or church. 

   We desire to share something with the church, and we spend for our trips from the proceeds of the sale of my books. 

   You can be a part of the Missions God has entrusted to us by buying my books, inviting us to your church or event to share my testimony, or help with our Projects. Thank you for reading. Help us pray for God's protection and provision. God bless. 

Ely and Vem Sagansay 
