Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Message from the Empty Table of Boklit

Thanksgiving Message from the Empty Table of Boklit:

If you are a parent; tell your child/children to thank the Lord for you and your spouse because you're a Christian, you fear and love the Lord, and you make them your priority. It is not arrogance or pride. The world may call it Indoctrination. Psychology may call it Conditioning, but we call it in spiritual sense "Truth". Telling the truth is not pride or arrogance. 

It is our responsibility to tell them the truth while they’re in their early age. The Communists Indoctrinate the kids as early as 5 years old, so are the Terrorists. We educate them at Pre-school around that age. Therefore, it is fitting and right if we tell them about Jesus before they go to their first stage in School? That's how you lay down the Strong Foundation. Don't entrust the salvation of your child/children to the Sunday School Teachers or the Preaching of your Pastor or to your Preaching if you're the Pastor. My point- One on One Evangelism with your child/children is more personal, and you will really get to know what's in their hearts and minds as you communicate with them. 

Tell them to thank God for your love to Him as your Savior, and also to them as members of the family. The Gospel is the best Foundation for the children's future. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone. 

Ely Roque Sagansay 