Friday, November 11, 2016

Respect the Election Results

Christians all over America prayed for the election 2016 with Rev. Franklin Graham, and the leadership of pastors and laymen in churches and small groups. God allow President elect- Donald Trump to win this election because God knows the evil of abortion, late termed abortion, and the decisions the Supreme Court will make that is so Liberal and unBiblical. I would love to see Trump lead us than to see God's hands being so heavy with His unstoppable judgment in our land due to corruption, lawlessness, and deaths of the unborn and law enforcers.

Our government majored on minors such as the used of bathrooms, Marijuana, sexuality, and climate changed, while millions are living in poverty and some are losing their jobs. The government spend so much time and money for the benefit of the illegals while millions of the citizens of this country are in insolvency.

Let's stand united just like what many did when Obama was elected. Let's not add problems and more burdens to what we already have in this present administration. Let's respect the will of God and the decisions of the majority. Let's not think of politics and political parties, but what is best for our country and for our children and children's children. God bless us all and God bless America!

Ely Roque Sagansay