Monday, March 30, 2020

How Far Can They Go...?

How Far Can They Go?

   Yes, "How Far Can They Go…?" That should be the question I would like to ask to every negative and destructive critique of President Donald Trump. We all know that the President has been at work to help eliminate the dangers of #WuhanChinaCoronaVirus19 (#WCCV19), and he is doing his best in every possible way to overcome the Pandemic. I can assure everyone that this administration did not have the perfect resolution, resources, and system, but their hard work, their time and efforts, especially those who are at the frontlines must be appreciated.

   It is so disturbing for Nancy Pelosi to use #CNN to attack the President, and at the same time play politics on her television interview. And it is a shame for #CNN when they lit the fire of negativity, and destructive criticism against the President, to satiate their desires of putting him down to the brink of not being electable for the 2020 Election.

   Everybody knows the main purpose and focus of @CNN, @MSNBC, and other MSM Fake News or Mass Media- it is to destroy the President, using even the Pandemic to get to their desired end results. The Fake News MIGHT not be interested in ratings as of this time, as long as they can get the Bad News Out or the Fake News Out to deceive or win the hearts of the masses. Once they have the hearts of the left wings, and some conservatives, and Independents; and they are positioned in power with their Candidates, it is easy as (1-2-3) for them to raise their banner in ratings.

   But the question is- "How Far Can They Go?" They were instrumental by the Democratic Party in all kinds of issues since President Donald Trump was elected. I should say, since he announced that he was running for President. The Democrats used Politics, Sex Scandal, other Countries, Graft and Corruption, Racism, and now the Pandemic to discredit, demonize, and pull down the President, but it seems that it just goes back to them.

   Evidently the American people have already opened their minds, and now they realize that Obama's Slogan (Change we can believe in" or "Yes We Can") of which undeniably represents the Democratic Party's heartbeats and passion did not work as expected. It devastated the expectations of millions of Americans, be it Democrats, Republicans or Independents. 

   What can be done to help us move forward in time like these? We have problems of deaths, unseen enemies, devouring infections, Virus, and diseases that just one person or this administration can't solve without the hands of others. Most of all, we need God. We need "Others" to help "others"; especially those who are suffering due to sickness, lack of resources, or support. Your words of commendation, your prayers, or if you just "Shut Up" if it doesn't help the President and his Team, and this country will be appreciated. That, if you don't appreciate them.

   We are in this together, not to take advantage of each other using politics, but with a heart of love and compassion. A love for this country and countrymen, and compassion to those who are affected by WCCV#19. 

   My wife is in the frontline taking care of the Elderly. My oldest son is a Nurse and it's not a pleasure to think about their plight every day. But they have to be at work, not just to make money but most of all to help. I wish all the reporters, journalists, radio and television hosts, and the Politicians would have a greater purpose, than making money and laying out their Political Platform or personal conviction, personal agenda, and personal interests. I wish they would get up in the morning with the American people in mind, and with the right perspective, and purpose of going to work. May they desire to be of help to others, or touching lives, and honoring our country.

   I hope they will deviate for the best of our Country, and for the future of "OTHERS".

   Be Safe. Stay Safe, and Stay Home.

Ely Roque Sagansay.  Minister/Author

Taylor, Michigan
