Saturday, April 4, 2020

Prayer Not Politics, Cooperation Not Coup!

Prayer Not Politics, Cooperation Not Coup!

Its very disturbing how some Filipinos reacts to the Pandemic by asking the President to step down. That's one of the most idiotic resolution to the problem I ever heard in my whole life. Instead of being of help to the problems, they try to create a new one. What is more idiotic is when you blame the Pandemic to the President. Marching in the streets will even add to the spread of the Virus. The Wuhan China CoronaVirus19 #WCCV19 may not destroy the whole country, but the Political Motivated Virus will somehow deteriorate the present situation. 

I listened to Mayor Isko Moreno's speech regarding the issue, and he hit it! Yorme has a great point.

The League of Filipino Students (LFS) is a Menace in the Philippine Society. They are as bad as the terrorists. Those politicians who are taking advantage of the situations must think of the needs of the people, not their Hidden Political Agenda. 

If you change the administration tomorrow, you will still have the same problems- unseen CoronaVirus and its rapid spread; unless the citizens cooperates, and will stand and be in it together. The resolution is not "who" do you want to put in position if you kick him out of office, but "What's next, and who's next?". If you replace him today, will the problem be away in a snap of fingers. It is beyond President Duterte's control that you have these problems, all over the world does. I believe he is doing the right thing. Help not hate!

If you topple the present administration due to CoronaVirus, you will be the laughingstock of the whole world for setting a bad, "out of their mind", and idiotic precedent. Blame China not your President. And don't let the color of your political inclination add problems to your present sufferings.

Pray for your President instead of playing politics. Cooperation with him and the Law Enforcements, not starting a Coup...

Stay Safe, Stay at Home at All Times  
Ely Roque Sagansay 