Saturday, October 1, 2022

Racism Will Always Come Out of Your Mouth If You're Racists

Racism Will Always Come Out of Your Mouth If You're Racists 

   Any negative remarks, narratives, and comparisons to any race could determine your outlook of them, and how you will treat them behind your back, and or even at their face. What you have stored in your heart will eventually come out of your mouth, and will show on your actions. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said this; "We have a shortage of workers in our country, and you see even in Florida, some of the farmers and the growers are saying, 'Why are you shipping these immigrants up north? We need them to pick the crops down here.'"

   Let me point out a few things that are related to Nancy's controversial remarks with regards to Illegal Immigrants. First let me be clear that I'm against Illegal Immigration. Mrs. Pelosi said "we have shortage of workers…" Shortage of workers is either bad news or good news. The bad news- no one wants to work on hard labor low wage jobs. It means the government should find ways to help the farmers and other hard labor low wage jobs. The good news, there's so many opportunities due to the growing economy- but it's far from the truth. Using the Illegal Immigrants for such jobs such as farm workers with no benefits, and low wage hard labor is tantamount to exploitation, labor abuse, and slavery in its nature. 

   "Why are you shipping these immigrants up north?" If someone really said these words, that person should apologize to these people. If it was made up  by Nancy Pelosi to set up her point; she should apologize to the American people, and to these people whom she intended to exploit on behalf of the farmers. We appreciate the farmers and I hope the government will do more for them like what President Donald J Trump did during his term. But to exploit the Illegal Immigrants on their behalf is very wrong.

   Let me give Speaker Nancy Pelosi some unsolicited advice; first, not every Spanish speaking people and Illegal Immigrants that crosses our Borders are farm workers or hard labor, low wages workers in their Country of origin. Some are career people who are just tired of dirty Politics, corruption, and some are refugees, and some have dreams that they can't have in their ailing Countries. A little respect for these people although we're against their Lawless Adventures is of great American value. And I know so many of the Spanish speaking people that are decent, smart and good, for sure they're not goods like you can ship them anytime and anywhere in America. "Send them" are the right words!

   Nancy Pelosi quotes the Farmers as saying; "why are you shipping these immigrants up north?" "Shipping" like they are daily necessities or packages that are shipped by a factory or Online business. Would it be a little nicer if she said, "Why are you sending or flying them up north?" Choice of words Mrs. Pelosi.

   I truly believe Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and some Democrats in Politics are racists. They cannot even hide it anymore by how they comment about them, and how they (migrants) have been treated like they are being shipped to somewhere. Our Country is in trouble, and people in Politics should be careful of how they interact with the Press and in Public. 

Ely Roque Sagansay 
