Monday, October 10, 2022

Words of Wisdom from MI Daily Devotion

Words of Wisdom from MI Daily Devotion:

   A Church that does not grow and do Missions is for sure a member of 'Routine Church'. It means they just go with the flow every worship services. Nothing new, no activities, no plans, there's no excitement, and no desires to see people getting saved and baptized. The same people in the pews, the same music, the same set of program; same "Old...", same "Old...".
They just do their Routines.

   If your Church parking space is empty on weekdays, it's the same on Sundays- with empty pews. If the Pastor does not come to church on weekdays for prayers, activities, planning, visitation, and  plans for the future of the Church; that Church will someday be a history, or will just be surviving. Remember when Jesus was talking about "talents" in (Matthew 25:15- 28), how those who were entrusted by the Lord used their talents? When we don't use our God given talents and opportunities. If we hid them in the spirit of carelessness, and laziness- we will give an account to Him. Life is too short to be a 'Routine' person or be in a 'Routine Church'. John Maxwell wrote; "Your Reaction Shows Your Christianity". I say, "Your Actions Shows If You're a True Christian or Not".
(Ecclesiastes 9:10 KJV) "Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest."