Saturday, April 4, 2020

Due to Lockdown!

From the Dinner Table of Ely Roque Sagansay 

Due to Lockdown!

Due to Lockdown, the crimes committed worldwide might have been low. Most probably, more deaths were caused by the invisible enemies called Mr. and Mrs. Corona Virus. (Wuhan China CoronaVirus19 #WCCV19 . And families all over the world could spend more quality time while at home. They have no choice but to be at home with their most loved person or hopefully (not their closest) enemy or enemies.

I wonder how the domestic violence are doing since the declaration of Temporary Lockdown. The danger of the explosion of wives, and 'live in parners' getting pregnant counting from "Day 1" of the Lockdown.

The roads accidents, the traffic violations, the corruption of Traffic Law Enforcers could be the lowest in decades. Lowest in vehicles' mileage used and broken cars down the roads.

I also assumed, Lockdown brought in the busiest times for IT people, and bombarded the internet. Many of the users are complaining of 'slow' Internet connections. The movie channels, the cables, and televisions may have been Non Stop. 

The sad thing is- the giving in churches will definitely be affected in spite of the highest record in attendance Via Live Streaming or Watch Party. The pastors, evangelists,  preachers and teachers' audiences are more diverse, and worldwide. The church buildings are empty, but worships and worshippers are active all over the world. Satan indeed can't stop the Lord! And Christians still love giving God the glory, and are unstoppable from praising and lifting up the Name of Jesus!

Please don't skip church by not clicking your cellphone, computer, or laptop to worship God. If you have no 'Live Streaming' in your church- use this. International Community Christian Church Trenton, Michigan, USA. It starts at 11:00 AM (Sunday) USA Eastern Time. Please check your time zone.-