Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Practical Ways to Write, Exercise, and at the Same Time be on a Diet

Practical Ways to Write, Exercise, and at the Same Time be on a Diet

   This Pandemic will either 'break you' or 'make you'. You can be on 'lockdown' or 'quarantine', and make the best out of it, or you can waste your time watching all the movies you want. For sure, you may want to get something out of it by reading good books, which is one of your best options. But if you want to write; here are some of the practical ideas I use while working on my manuscript. I assume this could be of help to you too.

   Since the start of #WuhanChinaCoronaVirus19 (#WCCV#19), I have been working on my manuscript for my next project, and at the same time, working with four (4) writers, helping them with their projects, not to mention I am regularly postings on Social Media; either Devotional, Quote of the Day, Random News, and some Political side track. It requires a lot of time working on my laptop, sitting, and typing. It's no difference with "Couch Potato", except with purpose and right perspective.

   Here are some ways how I balanced my life while I'm working on my manuscript or my client's manuscript.

   This may help you if you will do the same: First, I don't sit next to my library or to the books and references I intend to use. I have my library in our bedroom, in our family room, in our basement, and believe it or not, in our garage. I can imagine you're laughing at me already. But it's okay. Why? Because I need to stretch, and have a little exercise after spending sometime in my chair.

   I don't want to be slumbered, therefore as I walk down to our basement if I'm working in our bedroom; I stretch out, or I will either think of some new ideas, or just empty my mind to refresh. It means, you can always have a good exercise while you're stuck at home or if you're working on your manuscript. Stay away from your references, and only visit your library if you need some excerpts.

   I don't bring food to where I set up to work at home; except for nuts, raisins, and bananas, to keep me awake and not starve. Coffee or chocolate is advised. Water is always great. Remember, it is always in moderation.

   I love classical music, so Andre Rieu music, Mozart, and Beethoven with "Alexa" is a perfect match. I always listen to music when writing. When I was writing "Boklit", I played music from the 60's and the 70's; such as songs from "Bread" "Bee Gees" "Abba" or the "Carpenters", because my minds will take me back to my life when I was a kid, and a teenager. It was easier for me to geared my thoughts from my past when I hear the songs I used to hear in good times, and in bad times during m Joyy younger years.

   I take a few breaks and walk around the house while reading from the internet, and make myself angry by listening to the political news updates, or posting and answering emails and inbox messages. At least all of those really kept me awake.

   I only eat my regular meals when I think my tummy cannot handle the starving it feels already. But before I go back to work, I slowly walk around the house, praying, thinking, or reading. Or I will eat before the scheduled Webinar that I need to listen- that way while I'm on break from writing I could  loosen up.

   Your manuscript is your legacy that your children and grandchildren will someday be proud of, but be sure to keep your balance. Your time, your health, and your brain is priceless; therefore work wisely and with prudence.

   I hope you will learn from this, and it is my desire to see you succeed, and at the same time in good health, and stay in shape.

Stay Home, and Stay Safe,
Ely Roque Sagansay
Taylor, Michigan