Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wuhan China CoronaVirus 19 #WCCV19

#WuhanChinaCoronaVirus 19  


   Why blame @DonaldTrump for the spread of CoronaVirus? The President is not God, and he can't control the spread of the virus. He was called names and racist when he closed down the borders and imposed travel banned to China and other countries. He was called Xenophobic by Joe (Joe Biden) when he closed the borders and imposed Travel Banned. He tried everything he can while his critics and distractors were busy with their accusations against him, and with the Impeachment Hoax at that time. Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders, and the Democrats all disagreed with his decisions early this year.

   Any great leader cannot and could not stop the deaths and victims of WuhanChinaCoronaVirus19 #WCCV#19. They can only provide the needs, the resources, the means to avoid the Pandemic, and share updates, instructions, warnings, and scientific research and resolutions.

   They have the same problems in the Philippines. You can't blame President Duterte for the deaths and spread of the Virus. The hard headed, disobedient, careless and violators of the Law of the Land are to be blamed. Its just my personal opinion. 

Ely Roque Sagansay 
Taylor, Michigan 