Friday, February 6, 2015

National Prayer Breakfast

This morning I woke up at 1:30 AM with 2 nightmares. The first one is the burning alive of the Jordanian pilot by the ISIS MUSLIM TERRORISTS. And the second nightmare was the speech of Mr. Obama at the National Prayer Breakfast. This president said; "And lest we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place – remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Christians were and still are persecuted, slaughtered, scourged, etc. The Bible is filled of stories of how the Jews and Christians were treated like animals and slaves. The books of Esther, Nehemiah, Ezra, Daniel, Acts, Hebrews, and other books in the Bible and secular history books recorded the evil fate of Christians in the hands of those who opposed their Christian faith.

Jesus and the whole Bible (Old and New Testament) never mentioned of hate, killings or murders or severe persecution as the punishment of Christians to the unbelievers, and to those who oppose and disagree to their faith and practice. God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ teach love, forgiveness, good relationship and fellowship for one another in the Scriptures. Christianity was rooted in love- love for God and that same love must be shared and spread abroad to our neighbors, friends and even enemy or enemies like the ISIS. Retribution and vengeance is out of the context in Christianity, and it's love for God and fellow men. The president was wrong and bias on his outlook to the Christian faith. May his speech writer/s will do (their) homework to avoid friction and division in the religious arena. Mr. Obama said; "Christians did terrible things too..." No! Christians are out there sharing the love of God like what the Samaritan's Purse and Dr.Billy Graham are doing. God bless your heart Mr. president Barack Obama.

Ely Roque Sagansay is a self-published author with Westbow Press.
He is a minister for more than 3 decades.
His new book “The New Christmas Every Day” will soon be out.
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