Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Hillary, Her Staff, and Our Religious Freedom

Those evangelicals and catholics who has the critical spirit and "holier than thou" attitude towards Mr. Trump's nasty locker room remarks about women and sex; if you think it's a bad news, great news, or stupid news- this is the sad news if Hillary wins. If you like and enjoy your little taste of religious freedom, exercise wisely your freedom of suffrage.

I do not condone Mr. Trump's disgusting words (he said) more than a decade ago; but those nasty words are no difference with anyone who cursed, swear or have a garbage talk or conversation. If you focus on Mr. Trump's past; will it not be fair enough to dig on Hillary's past, check out her present corruptions and emails issues, and her unacceptable plan for the future.

I know Mr. Trump visited Liberty University, the black church in Detroit, Dr. Billy Graham and others. But have you ever heard of Hillary visited a Christian or Catholic Church? I don't recall... Hillary Clinton is surrounded by these kind of staff and advisers; it will be so easy for her to be influenced by these anti Christ, anti God, and anti- religion mind set, and ungodly philosophy.

I love my family, I want my grandchildren to enjoy and exercise their religious freedom without fear of persecution and oppression from the government. I'm not worried of Mr. Trump's attitude, I'm worried about Hillary's plan for this country that will have a bad impact for the future generations. Don't be swayed by her sweet words, and the paid publicity on Media. I don't trust the Media, and I don't believe their reports and polls. And I hope you will not listen and read their one sided reports... Please vote and vote wisely and with prudence. GOD BLESS AMERICA!