Saturday, April 16, 2016

Does Form of Worships, Type of Music or Bible Translations Really a Big Deal in Christianity?

It's ironic that while the world is in shambles and in trouble. We watch on our tv screen the pain and persecutions of millions of Christians in many parts of the world. The hungry souls for the Word of God and the starving people all over the world are obviously ignored... It's so sad because some of the believers or so called Christians are attacking their fellow believers for not being like them. For example: On the form of worship or how they worship. The type of music and instruments to be used during worship services, and on the Bible translations, etc.

The choice of singers and their songs, the failure of many pastors, Christian organizations and evangelists are being demeaningly criticized and judged by people who preached the same Christ.

I grew up in a traditional form of worship and I used the same music when I pastored 3 churches in my whole life as a pastor. I respect those who use Hillsong, Praise and Worship, Contemporary or Rock. I have been to African- American, Middle Eastern, Purely African, French, Anglo, Hispanics, Filipinos and Inter-denominational churches; and they all worship with sincerity, love for God and honor the same Lord, although different from what I do at church. If you think you are more holy and spiritual because you're different or you worship solemnly, you are wrong! We may worship with our church culture, based on our cultural background or ethnicity and church personality. Or we would be all worshipping like the Jews- only if you really want to leave the culture behind and imitate how they (The Jewish People) and Christians worship during Bible times. 

And I'm 100% sure it's not what we called traditional worship or contemporary, etc. (Google: How They Worship During Bible Times Or Images of Bible Worship or Jewish Worship)

Bottom line; respect other Christians who don't talk like you do, who don't sing what you sing on Sundays and regular days, and love those who don't use your Bible translation. Don't be divisive  and close minded because they are your brother in Christ even if they don't have the name "Baptist" in their church.

One day I was so mad to my children when they play Hillsong in our house, especially when they used it in our church worship service. I confronted Eliezer, JR. and Eliel Lyn and told them not to play it again because it's of the devil. They all told me that "they're not of the devil"- they were referring to (The Hillsong) "... because the message of their songs are Biblical and sound doctrine." They also told me that "Hillsong love the Lord as much as you do." So, I secretly listened to Hillsong on You Tube. Believe it or not, I enjoyed listening to "Magnificent" "At the Cross" "Hosannah" and other songs. Actually; those are my favorite songs since that day. I did not even know that some of the songs that I used when I was the Music Director of the Greater Detroit Baptist Association were from Hillsong. What a shame on my part. I was wrong!

If you don't agree on other churches' practices, policy, cultures, minor belief and physical appearances, don't be critical and judgmental, be nice and pray for them. Don't even call them immoral, liberal or from the devil because they may have given more for missions, may be generous in their tithes and offerings, more prayerful in their private devotions or more passionate in reaching the lost than you are. Be thankful for them because they don't kill or harm people. Pray for them and live in unity and love. Live in the spirit and be humble- knowing that we are all sinners and under the mercy and grace of God.

The form of worship and the worshippers in heaven is different from any of us or churches in the whole world for sure. My unsolicited advice- Respect, Love, and Live in Unity in His grace with Humility and the Fear of the Lord.

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