Saturday, October 25, 2014

Religion and Politics

Religion and Politics

According to Henry C. Thiessen; “The term “religion” is used in the greatest number of ways imaginable. It can be used in a very general sense of any adoration or service of God, a god, or gods. It can be expressed in certain forms of worship to God or a god. It can be devotion or faithfulness to anyone or anything. More specifically, it can refer to some particular system of faith and worship.” (Henry C. Thiessen Lectures in Systematic Theology, Revised by: Vernon D. Doerksen)

Politics and politicians are sometimes placed in the pedestal by people and by those who adored them dearly. They become their religion by the way they treated and accept them. They (politicians) became the center of their being and they put them before God. They trade God, His truth and righteousness in the name of the party, their politicians and political correctness. It’s also because they are always looking forward to the coming election such as what we have this coming November.

What is a Midterm Election?

This coming November 4, 2014 is the Midterm Election in the United States of America. But what is a Midterm Election? It could be a question for countries whose political processes are different from the USA, Philippines, and Liberia. But to give light to the question; Midterm Election is a very crucial election in the USA. It is called the general elections. It is crucial due to the changes it may bring on the table by the new elected candidates from all parties. It can also determine the strength of the current president, and it help molds the future of the country- hopefully for the best. Such election is held two years after the midpoint of the four-year presidential term. The Citizens of the USA elects Federal offices during the midterms which are 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives. The Senators starts and finished on different terms thus, some of the States votes for State Senates on different years. The contests for Governors, the local Mayors and other local offices and ordinances may also be in the ballots.

What’s in it for me?

What’s in it for me? That could be a question for many. What can we gain from being involved in the Midterm Election or in your local or national elections? Whether we like or not, elections will always have an instant effect to the present generation, and it will have a lasting effect to the generations to come in some ways. Midterm election may also help us pre- determine the future presidential election. It is our civic duty, privilege and responsibility to exercise suffrage.

Church and Politics

Politics could be an issue to many churches and religious groups due to traditional and Biblical belief and practices. Some religious groups or extreme conservative Christians don’t believe in Suffrage or don’t want to be involved in politics. Church election of officers and deacons are practiced in the early ages of the Christian church. Although it was not the same process as some churches does, but the principles and essence of choosing the right person for the office in the ministry is obvious. The book of Acts mentioned about the election on the replacement to Judas Iscariot during the times of the disciples. (Acts 1:16- 26 KJV) In many churches, election or suffrage are not practiced for some Biblical issues or teachings that they believe in or adopted in their constitution and church by laws. The pastors or the ministers are in charge in appointing an individual for an office or church position.

As of this writing, many are disappointed of how the country is being run by the current leaders and political parties. Millions of people are complaining and they’re not happy with how the government works for them. The sad part that we see happening in many countries are the terrible situations that they are in, and we don’t want our children or grand children to experience such chaos and violence. The pastors and churches must start working hard, and be involve in the political arena by educating their parishioners about the local and national candidates during the elections. I used to pastor a church in Subic, Zambales which is just about 10 miles away from the largest US military base outside of Mainland USA. During election times I would invite the politicians, pastors, and churches to come to our church for a political rendezvouz, and I made the politicians present their platforms. Afterwards, we open the table for question and answer. It’s also a good time to know the candidates in a very personal way.

Ten Mistakes That I Know are Happening in Every Poll Precinct or It’s Just the Failures of Many Voters All Over the World

  • ·        Some of the religious groups and Christians; they lack the knowledge of what’s going on in the political arena. They are confined in their religious belief, traditional stand, conservatism, and sometimes not being open minded to sociopolitical and current issues.
  • ·        The lack of information regarding political issues to the younger generations, and the lack of political educations to some new immigrants.
  • ·        The voters who voted for a certain candidates were either been tainted with vote buying scam, and because their relationship or friendship is stronger than their personal principles and conviction.
  • ·        The voters’ wrong attitude and personal seriousness to the relevant issues of the land. They end up choosing or electing the wrong person.
  • ·        They voted without knowing the morality, dignity, integrity and political stand of the candidates.
  • ·        They know they are voting for the greedy, ungodly, and selfish politician/s, but they put them in the ballot due to favor given by the said politician/s or because of the favor they may gain from them.
  • ·        The sad part is when the voters will go to the poll booth not ready. You have to write down the lists of the good, honest, patriotic, and integrity driven politicians.
  • ·        Voting by emotion is very tragic in many elections all over the world. They heard a loud “Hoooray!” being addressed to the politician/s on television, on the radio or political rally. Some may think that the loud “Hoooray!” was an approval or a “Thumbs Up” for the candidates. It’s sad, really sad because some of those politicians were opposite from what they thought they were. Some turned into a vicious, proud, boastful, dictator and destroyer of lives and countries.
  • ·        People are voting as if it all depends on the promises and the changed the next person seated in office may bring in…
  • ·       It’s ironic if people are voting for a change not knowing what kind of change do they really want for the country? I heard this political ads since I was a kid, and it’s all the same political cycle. The changed came but not for the good, or for the sake of the country, but for the best and advantage of the political party.

Vote for My Candidates

May we go out and vote! And please be sure to vote wisely, with prudence, and vote discreetly. Please do me a favor by voting for my candidate. He/she is a God fearing individual and loves his/her family. Integrity and dignity is the banner of the party. Love for our country, and being patriotic about it is what it meant to be in politics. He/she reach out to the poor and needy, and more than willing to cross the aisle if it is for the good of our country and the people around the world. Their political party does not think of the next election or for their financial strength, power and personality, but for their constituents who looked up to them. Making promises of what they will do if elected is not their main agenda. But they promise to be with you all the way, and be at their best for the good of the community and our country. A party who are not willing to be pulled down by money, friends, or be pressured by indebtedness.

They don't advocate same sex marriage, and to support abortion is out of their way. They are against the use of illegal drugs and marijuana, and will not support the legalization of it. They stand in unity but will not support a bigger government or the socialistic form of government. They’re not the Traditional Politician with Organized Propaganda and with Money- Armory and Notoriety- (T- POP MAN). You may not see them on your TV screen or hear them on the radio because they are a neophyte and a low budget politicians. But I assure you; they are willing to serve our country, and it's easy to replace them on the next election if they messed up.
I am not a Republican, Democrat or Independent. I am a concern citizen of the United States of Americal and I love freedom and democracy. I will stand with Allegiance for Democracy And Morality (ADAM) as long as I live. May I ask you to choose him/her and tell your friends about my candidates. I don't have their names, but if you will take time to check on the lists of the candidates in this coming election; their profile will tell you- they’re the right person in office! Vote for him/her!

Ely Roque Sagansay is a self-published author of 4 books with Westbow Press
He is a minister for more than 3 decades
His new book “The New Christmas Every Day” will soon be out
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